“The Great American Mural is a depiction of many of the people that make America what it is today. The people that risk their lives for us and their country. I have such a profound respect for our law enforcement, fireman, veterans, emergency medical service personnel that are risking their lives every day for our country. I’m proud to say ‘God Bless America.’ I’m proud of what our flag stands for. Many soldiers have sacrificed and died protecting our country and our beliefs. When the anthem plays around a veteran it means something. They are remembering what they and their friends and countless others have sacrificed for our country. Our police and emergency service personnel are also experiencing the same emotions of Pride, Sacrifice, and Loss. This mural addresses all these things and more and shows us why American is what it is. We need to get back to serving each other and our GREAT country; whatever our petty differences are, and appreciate the people that serve and risk their lives and sanity every day for us!”
- Bill Ledger
Left to Right
Lt. Col. Anthony Carver (currently serving in the military); Turbo (dog - has 2 Purple Hearts from two tours of duty in Afghanistan); Leonard Mercer (Vietnam Veteran); Police Department Chief Westy Meisenheimer; Fire Department Chief Murph King; and Assistant Fire Department Chief Jerry Hall
Included in this section of the mural:
- Replica of a Waskom emergency unit vehicle (EMS) utilized by the Volunteer Fire Department
- Life Air Rescue landing at the Waskom helipad; on Jan. 2, 2003 they were instrumental in airlifting Bill Ledger's daughter during an emergency
- Replica of Iwo Jima
- Honor Guard of local volunteer firefighters
We invite students, current and former military, seniors, groups and individuals to stop by the mural, take a photo and spend some time thinking about the people you know or even ways that you personally have participated in building America, serving your fellow man and dedicated yourself to caring for those in your life. Share your stories with us on our Facebook page at The Great American Mural.